Monday, January 17, 2011

The Beautiful Mind Response

Maladaptive: John Nash shows examples of this behavior when he is having a dilution and can't stop screaming and yelling at "fake" people and when he is running from his dilutions.

Unjustifiable: John Nash shows this behavior when he is writing those letters for the government and is told to put them in a secret mailbox, which is really not a secret mail box. 

Disturbing: John Nash shows this behavior when he leaves the baby in the bath tub with the water running, because he thought that Charles was watching the baby.

Atypical: John Nash shows this behavior when he talks to his dilutions out loud and tells others about them.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More Personality Test Results and Response!!!

<a href=";cR=0.583&amp;eR=0.812&amp;aR=0.778&amp;nR=0.781">I'm a O47-C46-E86-A74-N87 Big Five!!</a> 

Your Type is

Strength of the preferences %

ENFJ type description by D.Keirsey
ENFJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator™     ENFJ Famous Personalities
ENFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

 You are:
  • moderately expressed extravert
  • moderately expressed intuitive personality
  • moderately expressed feeling personality
  • slightly expressed judging personality

I think that these tests are not exactly correct, most of them are like my personality. I think I am out-going and very compassionate. These tests are telling me I am those things and a little bit more. I just dont agree that these things are accurate because a person is changing all of the time and the answers to these questons can change so there for I think our personality is ALWAYS changing as we grow. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Dreams & Latent Content"

My first dream is a reoccurring dream from when I was a child. In the dream I am running from a huge bolder. The bolder is rolling around in circles. We are in a race track type thing. Just before it is about to crush me I wake up. Another thing I noticed about this dream is in the stand watching me is a whole crowd of people telling me to run.  
   ~When I used the website, dream moods, it said that me running from some one in a dream indicates, I'm trying to avoid some kind of issue or that I am not taking responsibilities for my actions. On the other hand, in my case, it says if i am running from danger or harm, then I'm not facing or "confronting" my fears. So maybe I need to start getting over any fears I have and see if the dream goes away. In doing this, I will try to get over my stage fright at this up coming solo ensemble.~

Another dream I had, only once, took place in the summer time. I was about to leave to go to a friends house and my parents stopped me and said that I am grounded for lying to them. In the I was distraught. I cried all night, then woke up in the morning and had to make sure it wasn't real.
  ~To find my latent content of this dream I used dream moods again. The website said that if  I dream about punishment, I feel guilt or pain about my actions. It says I may need to try and forgive myself. I am not sure what I was feeling guilty about but i must have gotten over it because it never reoccurred.~

My third dream is recent. This dream started out at a house that I have never seen before, but it was mine in the dream. My mom was sitting in a recliner and she was telling me what to do, like make her stuff to eat and random chores. My boyfriend was there and then suddenly, there was a knock at the door and my boy friend got arrested very brutally. I watched the cop car drive off, then later on in the dream I went to the police station and asked why he was arrested and they never gave me a reason so, I talked to my boyfriend and was really mad at him. I told him he was lucky my mom didn't see any of that. Then I woke up.
  ~I used dream mood again for this dream. Dream mood said that if I see police men in my dream that it symbolizes structure, power and authority. It says that i need to put an end to my reckless behavior, or the law will catch up with me. So, if I am doing anything reckless in the future I will probably think about this and decide differently on my choice.~

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflection on Bullying

In this article a women tells her story about how long she was bullied about and how it affected her in the long run. She say that she has a drinking problem adn gains a lot of weight late on in life and she even has to go to a theropist! She obviously was long term affected by the bullying she recived when she was young. She says in the article that she was always clean and well dressed so i dont understand why she was bullied. i really think theses girls had nothing better to do in their time and i also think they may have been a little jealous of her. It is amazing how much this affected her. She wrote a book about it!! That really shows you how much it can affect someone, words that is.

Bullying at KHS is not seen much by me. I do belive it happens, propbably a lot more than i think it does. i guess i just kind of stay out of all that stuff. If i did see it going on, i dont really know what i would do. I would propbably talk to my mom about it and get her advice. KHS is so far good in my eyes. Mr. Verboomen does his very best with his job and trying to keep bullying not an issue at KHS. I really think the bullying happens online. That is where i see it most of the time. I never can really stand up for someone online though and im not sure why. You think it would be easier. KHS is a really great school and so far so good. :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Little Albert" Study

1. Yes, the results of Watson and Rayner's experiment support their hypothesis. Watson predicted that an emotionally exciting object, or in this case sound, stimulates the subject simultaneously with an object (the bunny, rats, and mask) not emotionally exciting, the latter object may in time arouse or excite the same emotional reactions the former object, and in heir results Abert, a 9 month old baby, in deed did evantually connect the loud sound with the rabbit, dog, rats, and mask. Evantually Albert was scared of those objects alone without the sound. 2. Alberts response became generalized because he was not only scared of the rabbit, rat, and the dog but became excited and fearful of a fur coat. 3. The principles of classical copnditioning conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits were, they connected the object he feared with somthing pleasurable, like a bowl of ice cream instead of the other way around. They called it. Counter-conditioning.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

The Twilight Zone did have an affect on me because it showed me that everyone has there OWN definition of beauty. Some people think heavier set is beautiful and other people think skinny is beaty. It is different everywhere you go. I do think that in a lot of peoples eyes... they see what the media thinks is beautiful and goes by that. Twilight Zone did suprise me at the end because there idea of ugly was Merlin Manroe!! Which is beautiful to us... infact she was an icon for beauty and still is. I think beauty changes every where and all of the time. In some places like Jersey for example in tan, big hair, and a lot of make up according to the media. On the other hand in some places of Africa.. men find heavy women very beatiful because it represents wealthiness. I think beauty in Kimberly, Wisconsin 2010.. Is skinny, long hair, and make up. I see a lot of girls getting extentions, which is not a bad thing but we as women obviously do it to make oursleves look "better". That is just the image i have for beauty in Kimberly though. I think it changes a lot with the different likings of men and women. Some men find long hair on women to be disgusting. So it really depends on what that male or female is attracted to. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder becuase of the fact EVERYONE has different likings and ideas of what they think is beautiful.

Personality Test results

Big Five Personality Test - Free Results
What Kind of Person Are You?The Big Five Personality Test is based on the 'Big Five' theory of personality, pioneered in a popular 1963 study by psychologist Warren Norman. This theory classifies the main non-cognitive personality traits as:
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Emotional Stability
  • Intellect/Openness
Our test has rated you on the same characteristics professional psychological tests would use to classify the "Big Five."
Your Most Dominant Characteristic is:

Your Least Dominant Characteristic is:
