Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Little Albert" Study

1. Yes, the results of Watson and Rayner's experiment support their hypothesis. Watson predicted that an emotionally exciting object, or in this case sound, stimulates the subject simultaneously with an object (the bunny, rats, and mask) not emotionally exciting, the latter object may in time arouse or excite the same emotional reactions the former object, and in heir results Abert, a 9 month old baby, in deed did evantually connect the loud sound with the rabbit, dog, rats, and mask. Evantually Albert was scared of those objects alone without the sound. 2. Alberts response became generalized because he was not only scared of the rabbit, rat, and the dog but became excited and fearful of a fur coat. 3. The principles of classical copnditioning conditioning used to reduce Peter's fear of rabbits were, they connected the object he feared with somthing pleasurable, like a bowl of ice cream instead of the other way around. They called it. Counter-conditioning.

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