Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

The Twilight Zone did have an affect on me because it showed me that everyone has there OWN definition of beauty. Some people think heavier set is beautiful and other people think skinny is beaty. It is different everywhere you go. I do think that in a lot of peoples eyes... they see what the media thinks is beautiful and goes by that. Twilight Zone did suprise me at the end because there idea of ugly was Merlin Manroe!! Which is beautiful to us... infact she was an icon for beauty and still is. I think beauty changes every where and all of the time. In some places like Jersey for example in tan, big hair, and a lot of make up according to the media. On the other hand in some places of Africa.. men find heavy women very beatiful because it represents wealthiness. I think beauty in Kimberly, Wisconsin 2010.. Is skinny, long hair, and make up. I see a lot of girls getting extentions, which is not a bad thing but we as women obviously do it to make oursleves look "better". That is just the image i have for beauty in Kimberly though. I think it changes a lot with the different likings of men and women. Some men find long hair on women to be disgusting. So it really depends on what that male or female is attracted to. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder becuase of the fact EVERYONE has different likings and ideas of what they think is beautiful.

Personality Test results

Big Five Personality Test - Free Results
What Kind of Person Are You?The Big Five Personality Test is based on the 'Big Five' theory of personality, pioneered in a popular 1963 study by psychologist Warren Norman. This theory classifies the main non-cognitive personality traits as:
  • Extroversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Emotional Stability
  • Intellect/Openness
Our test has rated you on the same characteristics professional psychological tests would use to classify the "Big Five."
Your Most Dominant Characteristic is:

Your Least Dominant Characteristic is:


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Standford Prison Study

I think roles have a HUGE affect on behavior, for example if a person had a role of the mean girl or direspectful student they must change all there behaviors to negative thing when they may actually be a good person. When i had to play my role as the know it all in class.. I didn't like it at all. I felt isolated and that no one liked me. Everyone got into there roles so it was weird treatin others differently then I would normally treat them. I just wanted everything to be done and go back to normal. So I guess that's how the students playing the role of the prisoners felt. They were allowed to leave whenever they want but they had there minds set in the role of a prisoner. So I think they took it too far with everything because some students were beginning to go crazy.